Thank you for your interest in Howling Hill Doggie Daycare!

Please take note that every visit to Howling Hill is considered an appointment.  If you need to drop off your pup or pick them up please let me know when you will be here.  When I do not have any appointments scheduled I just go about my dog chore routine, I do not open up the office and Howling Hill is considered closed.  The drop off and pick up hours are:  
Monday thru Friday  7-9:30 AM and 4-6 PM
Saturday  Daycare Services Closed
Sunday  Daycare Services Closed
Please call 207-272-7917 to make an appointment.  

Please remember that when visiting Howling Hill you are also visiting my family's home.  We deserve a certain level of privacy, as do the dogs that are visiting.
Please do not arrive unannounced. 
Please call or text when your plans change.
Please do not walk around our yard.
Please do not walk around and behind the fenced dog yards, and do not peek over the fencing or between spaces in the privacy screens.
Please do not peek into the kennel building window.
Do not ever let yourself into any play yard or my kennel building.
Please have your human children remain in the car.
Please keep your dog on a leash or in your car until I am ready for them.  I will be right with you as soon as I can.

If you are waiting at the office and I am not visible, please do not look for me in the kennel or the play yards.  Do not come to my home and look for me.  If you have an appointment, I should be right along.  Please call me on the phone if you need me 
207-272-7917.  Honking your horn to get my attention is also fine by me!  
When office hours are over, Howling Hill is promptly CLOSED.  If you are going to be late the best way to reach is text.  There is a $15 fee incurred 15 minutes after closed hours and $1 per minute thereafter.

Most of this information and more can be found on these web pages.  Always feel free to call with any questions.  And, always feel free to call and check on your dogs while they are playing at Howling Hill.